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In your cooler for camping & hunting trips: A cost effective means to keep your perishables chilled or frozen for a longer period of time.  Keeping your animal or

fish chilled with dry ice will ensure minimal spoilage during transportation.


Making Root Beer:  Yes, it's true. You can make Root Beer with Dry Ice. 


Freezing produce for a quick freeze: Because dry ice freezes your garden produce quickly, they remain in almost the exact same shape they were in when you harvested or purchased them.


Freezing Fish: Dry ice can be used to flash freeze fish, ensuring freshness and prolonging preservation time by up to ten days longer than regular ice.


Lures Mosquitos Away: Place 5-10 pounds pieces of dry ice away from areas where people are gathered.  Works amazing!  (Can also be used for Bed Bug Removal.)


Special Effects: Use in an ice machine or bucket of hot water to create flowing fog.


Dry Ice Estimated Effective Cooling Time
5 LBS – 18 HRS
7 LBS – 24 HRS
10 LBS – 36 HRS
15 LBS – 48 HRS
20 LBS – 72 HRS
*Times are estimates based on storage method and insulated equipment variations



DRY ICE is at a temperature of -109*F (-79C*C).


DRY ICE is Solidified Carbon Dioxide that is frozen by injecting it into a holding tank. It is made into a solid ice form made into blocks, pellets, etc.


DRY ICE has approximately 15 times more cooling capacity than wet ice.


DRY ICE can last approximately 5 times longer than wet ice.


DRY ICE can extend the life of wet ice by approximately 40 hours when placed on top of dry ice.


DRY ICE leaves absolutely no residue. It turns into a gas, (sublimates) and disappears.


DRY ICE should be placed on TOP of your items that you want to stay frozen.


DRY ICE should be stored properly to prevent carbon dioxide poisoning.


DRY ICE will not contaminate food.


DO NOT touch Dry Ice with your bare hands. Use insulated gloves when handling all utensils and dry ice directly. If contact to skin occurs, injury similar to a burn will result.


DO NOT store dry ice in a working freezer or refrigerator. For storage, place dry ice in paper, cardboard, or some insulated material. The insulation will extend the life of the dry ice and protect your products.


DO NOT let children handle or play with dry ice.


DO NOT store in non-ventilated locations.

*Releases carbon dioxide vapor that can cause suffocation.


DO NOT store in glass or other sealer (airtight) containers or coolers.

*May result in rupture or explosion from over-pressure.


DO NOT place in direct contact with perishable foods or bottled / canned beverages.

*May sustain freezer burn or splitting or exploding product.


DO NOT breath in vapors.


DO NOT put in Yeti (airtight) coolers without unscrewing drainage cap slightly to allow pressure to escape.


DO NOT consume dry ice.

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Monday - Friday  8 am - 4 pm


After hour pick up or special orders by appointment only.


2400 Commercial Drive

Anchorage, AK 99501

DRY ICE also available at the following locations: 

Fred Myer - 2000 W Diamond Blvd - (907) 365 -2000 


Call customer services to confirm availability.

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Tel: (907) 343-9065

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